Real-time feature estimation#

Implementation of individual nm_streams#

py_neuromodulation was optimized for computation of real-time data streams. There are however center -and lab specific hardware acquisition systems. Therefore, each experiment requires modules to interact with hardware platforms which periodically acquire data.

Given the raw data, data can be analyzed using py_neuromodulation. Preprocessing methods, such as re-referencing and normalization, feature computation and decoding can be performed then in real-time.

For online as well as as offline analysis, the nm_stream_abc class needs to be instantiated. Here the nm_settings and channels are required to be defined. Previously for the offline analysis, an offline nm_generator object was defined that periodically yielded data. For online data, the run() function therefore needs to be overwritten, which first acquires data and then calls the process() function.

The following illustrates in pseudo-code how such a stream could be initialized:

from py_neuromodulation import nm_stream_abc

class MyStream(nm_stream_abc):
def __init__(self, settings, channels):
    super().__init__(settings, channels)

def run(self):
   features_ = []
    while True:
       data = self.acquire_data()
       # potentially use machine learning model for decoding

Computation time examples#

The following example calculates for six channels, CAR re-referencing, z-score normalization and FFT features results the following computation time:

import py_neuromodulation as nm
from py_neuromodulation import NMSettings
import numpy as np
import timeit

def get_fast_compute_settings():
    settings = NMSettings.get_fast_compute()

    settings.preprocessing = ["re_referencing", "notch_filter"]
    settings.features.fft = True
    settings.postprocessing.feature_normalization = True
    return settings

data = np.random.random([1, 1000])

print("FFT Features, CAR re-referencing, z-score normalization")
print("Computation time for single ECoG channel: ")
stream = nm.Stream(
    f"{np.round(timeit.timeit(lambda: stream.data_processor.process(data), number=100)/100, 3)} s"

print("Computation time for 6 ECoG channels: ")
data = np.random.random([6, 1000])
stream = nm.Stream(
    f"{np.round(timeit.timeit(lambda: stream.data_processor.process(data), number=100)/100, 3)} s"

    "\nFFT Features & Temporal Waveform Shape & Hjorth & Bursts, CAR re-referencing, z-score normalization"
print("Computation time for single ECoG channel: ")
data = np.random.random([1, 1000])
stream = nm.Stream(sfreq=1000, data=data, sampling_rate_features_hz=10, verbose=False)
    f"{np.round(timeit.timeit(lambda: stream.data_processor.process(data), number=10)/10, 3)} s"
FFT Features, CAR re-referencing, z-score normalization

Computation time for single ECoG channel:
0.001 s
Computation time for 6 ECoG channels:
0.001 s

FFT Features & Temporal Waveform Shape & Hjorth & Bursts, CAR re-referencing, z-score normalization
Computation time for single ECoG channel:
0.003 s

Those results show that the computation time for a typical pipeline (FFT, re-referencing, notch-filtering, feature normalization) is well below 10 ms, which is fast enough for real-time analysis with feature sampling rates below 100 Hz. Computation of more complex features could still result in feature sampling rates of more than 30 Hz.

Real-time movement decoding using the TMSi-SAGA amplifier#

In the following example, we will show how we setup a real-time movement decoding experiment using the TMSi-SAGA amplifier. First, we relied on different software modules for data streaming and visualization. LabStreamingLayer allows for real-time data streaming and synchronization across multiple devices. We used timeflux for real-time data visualization of features, decoded output. For raw data visualization we used Brain Streaming Layer.

The code for real-time movement decoding is added in the GitHub branch realtime_decoding. Here we relied on the TMSI SAGA Python interface.

Total running time of the script: (0 minutes 0.333 seconds)

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