"""Module for generic and offline data streams."""
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING
from collections.abc import Iterator
import numpy as np
from pathlib import Path
import py_neuromodulation as nm
from contextlib import suppress
from py_neuromodulation.stream.data_processor import DataProcessor
from py_neuromodulation.utils.types import _PathLike, FeatureName
from py_neuromodulation.stream.settings import NMSettings
import pandas as pd
class Stream:
"""_GenericStream base class.
This class can be inherited for different types of offline streams
nm_stream_abc : stream_abc.NMStream
def __init__(
sfreq: float,
channels: "pd.DataFrame | _PathLike | None" = None,
data: "np.ndarray | pd.DataFrame | None" = None,
settings: NMSettings | _PathLike | None = None,
line_noise: float | None = 50,
sampling_rate_features_hz: float | None = None,
path_grids: _PathLike | None = None,
coord_names: list | None = None,
stream_name: str
| None = "example_stream", # Timon: do we need those in the nmstream_abc?
is_stream_lsl: bool = False,
coord_list: list | None = None,
verbose: bool = True,
) -> None:
"""Stream initialization
sfreq : float
sampling frequency of data in Hertz
channels : pd.DataFrame | _PathLike
parametrization of channels (see define_channels.py for initialization)
data : np.ndarray | pd.DataFrame | None, optional
data to be streamed with shape (n_channels, n_time), by default None
settings : NMSettings | _PathLike | None, optional
Initialized settings.NMSettings object, by default the py_neuromodulation/settings.yaml are read
and passed into a settings object
line_noise : float | None, optional
line noise, by default 50
sampling_rate_features_hz : float | None, optional
feature sampling rate, by default None
path_grids : _PathLike | None, optional
path to grid_cortex.tsv and/or gird_subcortex.tsv, by default Non
coord_names : list | None, optional
coordinate name in the form [coord_1_name, coord_2_name, etc], by default None
coord_list : list | None, optional
coordinates in the form [[coord_1_x, coord_1_y, coord_1_z], [coord_2_x, coord_2_y, coord_2_z],], by default None
verbose : bool, optional
print out stream computation time information, by default True
self.settings: NMSettings = NMSettings.load(settings)
if channels is None and data is not None:
channels = nm.utils.channels.get_default_channels_from_data(data)
if channels is not None:
self.channels = nm.io.load_channels(channels)
if self.channels.query("used == 1 and target == 0").shape[0] == 0:
raise ValueError(
"No channels selected for analysis that have column 'used' = 1 and 'target' = 0. Please check your channels"
if channels is None and data is None:
raise ValueError("Either `channels` or `data` must be passed to `Stream`.")
# If features that use frequency ranges are on, test them against nyquist frequency
use_freq_ranges: list[FeatureName] = [
need_nyquist_check = any(
(f in use_freq_ranges for f in self.settings.features.get_enabled())
if need_nyquist_check:
assert all(
fb.frequency_high_hz < sfreq / 2
for fb in self.settings.frequency_ranges_hz.values()
), (
"If a feature that uses frequency ranges is selected, "
"the frequency band ranges need to be smaller than the nyquist frequency.\n"
f"Got sfreq = {sfreq} and fband ranges:\n {self.settings.frequency_ranges_hz}"
if sampling_rate_features_hz is not None:
self.settings.sampling_rate_features_hz = sampling_rate_features_hz
if path_grids is None:
path_grids = nm.PYNM_DIR
self.path_grids = path_grids
self.verbose = verbose
self.sfreq = sfreq
self.line_noise = line_noise
self.coord_names = coord_names
self.coord_list = coord_list
self.sess_right = None
self.projection = None
self.model = None
# TODO(toni): is it necessary to initialize the DataProcessor on stream init?
self.data_processor = DataProcessor(
self.data = data
self.target_idx_initialized: bool = False
def _add_target(self, feature_dict: dict, data: np.ndarray) -> None:
"""Add target channels to feature series.
feature_dict : dict
data : np.ndarray
Raw data with shape (n_channels, n_samples).
Channels not usd for feature computation are also included
feature dict with target channels added
if self.channels["target"].sum() > 0:
if not self.target_idx_initialized:
self.target_indexes = self.channels[self.channels["target"] == 1].index
self.target_names = self.channels.loc[
self.target_indexes, "name"
self.target_idx_initialized = True
for target_idx, target_name in zip(self.target_indexes, self.target_names):
feature_dict[target_name] = data[target_idx, -1]
def _handle_data(self, data: "np.ndarray | pd.DataFrame") -> np.ndarray:
names_expected = self.channels["name"].to_list()
if isinstance(data, np.ndarray):
if not len(names_expected) == data.shape[0]:
raise ValueError(
"If data is passed as an array, the first dimension must"
" match the number of channel names in `channels`.\n"
f" Number of data channels (data.shape[0]): {data.shape[0]}\n"
f' Length of channels["name"]: {len(names_expected)}.'
return data
names_data = data.columns.to_list()
if not (
len(names_expected) == len(names_data)
and sorted(names_expected) == sorted(names_data)
raise ValueError(
"If data is passed as a DataFrame, the"
"column names must match the channel names in `channels`.\n"
f"Input dataframe column names: {names_data}\n"
f'Expected (from channels["name"]): : {names_expected}.'
return data.to_numpy().transpose()
def run(
data: "np.ndarray | pd.DataFrame | None" = None,
out_dir: _PathLike = "",
experiment_name: str = "sub",
is_stream_lsl: bool = False,
stream_lsl_name: str | None = None,
plot_lsl: bool = False,
save_csv: bool = False,
save_interval: int = 10,
return_df: bool = True,
) -> "pd.DataFrame":
self.is_stream_lsl = is_stream_lsl
self.stream_lsl_name = stream_lsl_name
# Validate input data
if data is not None:
data = self._handle_data(data)
elif self.data is not None:
data = self._handle_data(self.data)
elif self.data is None and data is None and self.is_stream_lsl is False:
raise ValueError("No data passed to run function.")
# Generate output dirs
self.out_dir_root = Path.cwd() if not out_dir else Path(out_dir)
self.out_dir = self.out_dir_root / experiment_name
# TONI: Need better default experiment name
self.experiment_name = experiment_name if experiment_name else "sub"
self.out_dir.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
# Open database connection
# TONI: we should give the user control over the save format
from py_neuromodulation.utils.database import NMDatabase
db = NMDatabase(experiment_name, out_dir) # Create output database
self.batch_count: int = 0 # Keep track of the number of batches processed
# Reinitialize the data processor in case the nm_channels or nm_settings changed between runs of the same Stream
# TONI: then I think we can just not initialize the data processor in the init function
self.data_processor = DataProcessor(
# Initialize generator
self.generator: Iterator
if not is_stream_lsl:
from py_neuromodulation.stream.generator import RawDataGenerator
self.generator = RawDataGenerator(
from py_neuromodulation.stream.mnelsl_stream import LSLStream
self.lsl_stream = LSLStream(
settings=self.settings, stream_name=stream_lsl_name
if plot_lsl:
from mne_lsl.stream_viewer import StreamViewer
viewer = StreamViewer(stream_name=stream_lsl_name)
if self.sfreq != self.lsl_stream.stream.sinfo.sfreq:
error_msg = (
f"Sampling frequency of the lsl-stream ({self.lsl_stream.stream.sinfo.sfreq}) "
f"does not match the settings ({self.sfreq})."
"The sampling frequency read from the stream will be used"
self.sfreq = self.lsl_stream.stream.sinfo.sfreq
self.generator = self.lsl_stream.get_next_batch()
prev_batch_end = 0
for timestamps, data_batch in self.generator:
if data_batch is None:
feature_dict = self.data_processor.process(data_batch)
this_batch_end = timestamps[-1]
batch_length = this_batch_end - prev_batch_end
f"{batch_length:.3f} seconds of new data processed",
feature_dict["time"] = (
batch_length if is_stream_lsl else np.ceil(this_batch_end * 1000 + 1)
prev_batch_end = this_batch_end
if self.verbose:
nm.logger.info("Time: %.2f", feature_dict["time"] / 1000)
self._add_target(feature_dict, data_batch)
# We should ensure that feature output is always either float64 or None and remove this
with suppress(TypeError): # Need this because some features output None
for key, value in feature_dict.items():
feature_dict[key] = np.float64(value)
self.batch_count += 1
if self.batch_count % save_interval == 0:
db.commit() # Save last batches
# If save_csv is False, still save the first row to get the column names
feature_df: "pd.DataFrame" = (
db.fetch_all() if (save_csv or return_df) else db.head()
db.close() # Close the database connection
return feature_df # TONI: Not sure if this makes sense anymore
def plot_raw_signal(
sfreq: float | None = None,
data: np.ndarray | None = None,
lowpass: float | None = None,
highpass: float | None = None,
picks: list | None = None,
plot_time: bool = True,
plot_psd: bool = False,
) -> None:
"""Use MNE-RawArray Plot to investigate PSD or raw_signal plot.
sfreq : float
sampling frequency [Hz]
data : np.ndarray, optional
data (n_channels, n_times), by default None
lowpass: float, optional
cutoff lowpass filter frequency
highpass: float, optional
cutoff highpass filter frequency
picks: list, optional
list of channels to plot
plot_time : bool, optional
mne.io.RawArray.plot(), by default True
plot_psd : bool, optional
mne.io.RawArray.plot(), by default False
raise Exception when no data is passed
if self.data is None and data is None:
raise ValueError("No data passed to plot_raw_signal function.")
if data is None and self.data is not None:
data = self.data
if sfreq is None:
sfreq = self.sfreq
if self.channels is not None:
ch_names = self.channels["name"].to_list()
ch_types = self.channels["type"].to_list()
ch_names = [f"ch_{i}" for i in range(data.shape[0])]
ch_types = ["ecog" for i in range(data.shape[0])]
from mne import create_info
from mne.io import RawArray
info = create_info(ch_names=ch_names, sfreq=sfreq, ch_types=ch_types)
raw = RawArray(data, info)
if picks is not None:
raw = raw.pick(picks)
self.raw = raw
if plot_time:
raw.plot(highpass=highpass, lowpass=lowpass)
if plot_psd:
def _save_after_stream(
feature_arr: "pd.DataFrame | None" = None,
) -> None:
"""Save features, settings, nm_channels and sidecar after run"""
if feature_arr is not None:
def _save_features(
feature_arr: "pd.DataFrame",
) -> None:
nm.io.save_features(feature_arr, self.out_dir, self.experiment_name)
def _save_channels(self) -> None:
self.data_processor.save_channels(self.out_dir, self.experiment_name)
def _save_settings(self) -> None:
self.data_processor.save_settings(self.out_dir, self.experiment_name)
def _save_sidecar(self) -> None:
"""Save sidecar incduing fs, coords, sess_right to
out_path_root and subfolder 'folder_name'"""
additional_args = {"sess_right": self.sess_right}
self.out_dir, self.experiment_name, additional_args