Source code for processing.projection

import numpy as np
from pydantic import Field
from py_neuromodulation.utils.types import NMBaseModel
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING

    from py_neuromodulation import NMSettings
    import pandas as pd

class ProjectionSettings(NMBaseModel):
    max_dist_mm: float = Field(default=20.0, gt=0.0)

[docs] class Projection: def __init__( self, settings: "NMSettings", grid_cortex: "pd.DataFrame", grid_subcortex: "pd.DataFrame", coords: dict, channels: "pd.DataFrame", plot_projection: bool = False, ) -> None: self.grid_cortex = grid_cortex self.grid_subcortex = grid_subcortex self.coords = coords self.channels = channels self.project_cortex = settings.postprocessing.project_cortex self.project_subcortex = settings.postprocessing.project_subcortex self.max_dist_cortex = settings.project_cortex_settings.max_dist_mm self.max_dist_subcortex = settings.project_subcortex_settings.max_dist_mm self.ecog_channels: list # None case never handled, no need for default value self.lfp_channels: list # None case never handled, no need for default value self.idx_chs_ecog: list = [] # feature series indexes for ecog channels self.names_chs_ecog: list = [] # feature series name of ecog features self.idx_chs_lfp: list = [] # feature series indexes for lfp channels self.names_chs_lfp: list = [] # feature series name of lfp features self.feature_names: list | None = None self.initialized: bool = False self.remove_not_used_ch_from_coords() # remove beforehand non used channels from coords if len(self.coords["cortex_left"]["positions"]) == 0: self.sess_right = True self.ecog_strip = self.coords["cortex_right"]["positions"] self.ecog_strip_names = self.coords["cortex_right"]["ch_names"] elif len(self.coords["cortex_right"]["positions"]) == 0: self.sess_right = False self.ecog_strip = self.coords["cortex_left"]["positions"] self.ecog_strip_names = self.coords["cortex_left"]["ch_names"] if self.sess_right and len(self.coords["subcortex_right"]["positions"]) > 0: self.lfp_elec = self.coords["subcortex_right"]["positions"] self.lfp_elec_names = self.coords["subcortex_right"]["ch_names"] elif ( self.sess_right is False and len(self.coords["subcortex_left"]["positions"]) > 0 ): self.lfp_elec = self.coords["subcortex_left"]["positions"] self.lfp_elec_names = self.coords["subcortex_left"]["ch_names"] self._initialize_channels() ( self.proj_matrix_cortex, self.proj_matrix_subcortex, ) = self.calc_projection_matrix() if self.project_cortex: self.active_cortex_gridpoints = np.nonzero( self.proj_matrix_cortex.sum(axis=1) )[0] if self.project_subcortex: self.active_subcortex_gridpoints = np.nonzero( self.proj_matrix_subcortex.sum(axis=1) )[0] if plot_projection: from py_neuromodulation.analysis.plots import NM_Plot nmplotter = NM_Plot( ecog_strip=self.ecog_strip, grid_cortex=self.grid_cortex.to_numpy(), grid_subcortex=self.grid_subcortex.to_numpy(), sess_right=self.sess_right, proj_matrix_cortex=self.proj_matrix_cortex, ) nmplotter.plot_cortex() def remove_not_used_ch_from_coords(self): ch_not_used = self.channels.query('(used==0) or (status=="bad")').name if len(ch_not_used) > 0: for ch in ch_not_used: for key_ in self.coords: for idx, ch_coords in enumerate(self.coords[key_]["ch_names"]): if ch.startswith(ch_coords): # delete index self.coords[key_]["positions"] = np.delete( self.coords[key_]["positions"], idx, axis=0 ) self.coords[key_]["ch_names"].remove(ch)
[docs] def calc_proj_matrix( self, max_dist: float, grid: np.ndarray, coord_array: np.ndarray, ) -> np.ndarray: """Calculate projection matrix.""" channels = coord_array.shape[0] distance_matrix = np.zeros([grid.shape[1], channels]) for project_point in range(grid.shape[1]): for channel in range(coord_array.shape[0]): distance_matrix[project_point, channel] = np.linalg.norm( grid[:, project_point] - coord_array[channel, :] ) proj_matrix = np.zeros(distance_matrix.shape) for grid_point in range(distance_matrix.shape[0]): used_channels = np.where(distance_matrix[grid_point, :] < max_dist)[0] rec_distances = distance_matrix[grid_point, used_channels] sum_distances: float = np.sum(1 / rec_distances) for _, used_channel in enumerate(used_channels): proj_matrix[grid_point, used_channel] = ( 1 / distance_matrix[grid_point, used_channel] ) / sum_distances return proj_matrix
[docs] def calc_projection_matrix(self): """Calculates a projection matrix based on the used coordinate arrays Returns ------- proj_matrix_cortex (np.array) cortical projection_matrix in shape [grid contacts, channel contact] defaults to None proj_matrix_subcortex (np.array) subcortical projection_matrix in shape [grid contacts, channel contact] defaults to None """ proj_matrix_run = np.empty(2, dtype=object) if self.sess_right: if self.project_cortex: cortex_grid_right = np.copy(self.grid_cortex) cortex_grid_right[:, 0] = cortex_grid_right[:, 0] * -1 self.cortex_grid_right = np.array(cortex_grid_right.T) else: self.cortex_grid_right = None if self.project_subcortex: subcortex_grid_right = np.copy(self.grid_subcortex) subcortex_grid_right[:, 0] = subcortex_grid_right[:, 0] * -1 self.subcortex_grid_right = np.array(subcortex_grid_right).T else: self.subcortex_grid_right = None grid_session = [self.cortex_grid_right, self.subcortex_grid_right] else: if self.project_cortex: self.cortex_grid_left = np.array(self.grid_cortex.T) else: self.cortex_grid_left = None if self.project_subcortex: self.subcortex_grid_left = np.array(self.grid_subcortex.T) else: self.subcortex_grid_left = None grid_session = [self.cortex_grid_left, self.subcortex_grid_left] coord_array = [ self.ecog_strip if grid_session[0] is not None else None, self.lfp_elec if grid_session[1] is not None else None, ] for loc_, grid in enumerate(grid_session): if loc_ == 0: # cortex max_dist = self.max_dist_cortex elif loc_ == 1: # subcortex max_dist = self.max_dist_subcortex if grid_session[loc_] is not None: proj_matrix_run[loc_] = self.calc_proj_matrix( max_dist, grid, coord_array[loc_] ) return proj_matrix_run[0], proj_matrix_run[1] # cortex, subcortex
def _initialize_channels(self) -> None: """Initialize channel names via nm_channel new_name column""" if self.project_cortex: self.ecog_channels = self.channels.query( '(type=="ecog") and (used == 1) and (status=="good")' ).name.to_list() chs_ecog = self.ecog_channels.copy() for ecog_channel in chs_ecog: if ecog_channel not in self.ecog_strip_names: self.ecog_channels.remove(ecog_channel) # write ecog_channels to be new_name self.ecog_channels = list( self.channels.query("name == @self.ecog_channels").new_name ) if self.project_subcortex: self.lfp_channels = self.channels.query( '(type=="lfp" or type=="seeg" or type=="dbs") \ and (used == 1) and (status=="good")' ).name.to_list() # project only channels that are in the coords # this also deletes channels of the other hemisphere chs_lfp = self.lfp_channels.copy() for lfp_channel in chs_lfp: if lfp_channel not in self.lfp_elec_names: self.lfp_channels.remove(lfp_channel) # write lfp_channels to be new_name self.lfp_channels = list( self.channels.query("name == @self.lfp_channels").new_name )
[docs] def init_projection_run(self, feature_dict: dict) -> None: """Initialize indexes for respective channels in feature series computed by""" # here it is assumed that only one hemisphere is recorded at a time! if self.project_cortex: for ecog_channel in self.ecog_channels: self.idx_chs_ecog.append( [ ch_idx for ch_idx, ch in enumerate(feature_dict.keys()) if ch.startswith(ecog_channel) ] ) self.names_chs_ecog.append( [ ch for _, ch in enumerate(feature_dict.keys()) if ch.startswith(ecog_channel) ] ) if self.names_chs_ecog: # get feature_names; given by ECoG sequency of features self.feature_names = [ feature_name[len(self.ecog_channels[0]) + 1 :] for feature_name in self.names_chs_ecog[0] ] if self.project_subcortex: # for lfp_channels select here only the ones from the correct hemisphere! for lfp_channel in self.lfp_channels: self.idx_chs_lfp.append( [ ch_idx for ch_idx, ch in enumerate(feature_dict.keys()) if ch.startswith(lfp_channel) ] ) self.names_chs_lfp.append( [ ch for _, ch in enumerate(feature_dict.keys()) if ch.startswith(lfp_channel) ] ) if not self.feature_names and self.names_chs_lfp: # get feature_names; given by LFP sequency of features self.feature_names = [ feature_name[len(self.lfp_channels[0]) + 1 :] for feature_name in self.names_chs_lfp[0] ] self.initialized = True
[docs] def project_features(self, feature_dict: dict) -> None: """Project data, given idx_chs_ecog/stn""" if not self.initialized: self.init_projection_run(feature_dict) dat_cortex = ( np.array( [ np.array([feature_dict[ch] for ch in ch_names]) for ch_names in self.names_chs_ecog ] ) if self.project_cortex else None ) dat_subcortex = ( np.array( [ np.array([feature_dict[ch] for ch in ch_names]) for ch_names in self.names_chs_lfp ] ) if self.project_subcortex else None ) # project data # get_projected_cortex_subcortex_data can return None # but None is not handled and will throw error in the code below proj_cortex_array: np.ndarray proj_subcortex_array: np.ndarray (proj_cortex_array, proj_subcortex_array) = ( self.get_projected_cortex_subcortex_data(dat_cortex, dat_subcortex) ) # type: ignore # Ignore None return features_new: dict = {} # proj_cortex_array has shape grid_points x feature_number if self.project_cortex: features_new = features_new | { "gridcortex_" + str(act_grid_point) + "_" + feature_name: proj_cortex_array[act_grid_point, feature_idx] for feature_idx, feature_name in enumerate(self.feature_names) # type: ignore # Empty list handled above for act_grid_point in self.active_cortex_gridpoints } if self.project_subcortex: features_new = features_new | { "gridsubcortex_" + str(act_grid_point) + "_" + feature_name: proj_subcortex_array[act_grid_point, feature_idx] for feature_idx, feature_name in enumerate(self.feature_names) # type: ignore # Empty list handled above for act_grid_point in self.active_subcortex_gridpoints } feature_dict.update(features_new)
[docs] def get_projected_cortex_subcortex_data( self, dat_cortex: np.ndarray | None = None, dat_subcortex: np.ndarray | None = None, ) -> tuple[np.ndarray | None, np.ndarray | None]: """Project cortical and subcortical data to predefined projection matrices Parameters ---------- dat_cortex : np.ndarray, optional cortical features, by default None dat_subcortex : np.ndarray, optional subcortical features, by default None Returns ------- proj_cortex : np.ndarray projected cortical features, by detault None proj_subcortex : np.ndarray projected subcortical features, by detault None """ proj_cortex = None proj_subcortex = None if dat_cortex is not None: proj_cortex = self.proj_matrix_cortex @ dat_cortex if dat_subcortex is not None: proj_subcortex = self.proj_matrix_subcortex @ dat_subcortex return proj_cortex, proj_subcortex