Source code for features.sharpwaves

from import Sequence
from collections import defaultdict
from itertools import product

from pydantic import model_validator
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Callable

import numpy as np

if np.__version__ >= "2.0.0":
    from numpy._core._methods import _mean as np_mean  # type: ignore
    from numpy.core._methods import _mean as np_mean

from py_neuromodulation.utils.types import (

    from py_neuromodulation import NMSettings

# Using low-level numpy mean function for performance, could do the same for the other estimators
    "mean": np_mean,
    "median": np.median,
    "max": np.max,
    "min": np.min,
    "var": np.var,

class PeakDetectionSettings(NMBaseModel):
    estimate: bool = True
    distance_troughs_ms: float = 10
    distance_peaks_ms: float = 5

class SharpwaveFeatures(BoolSelector):
    peak_left: bool = False
    peak_right: bool = False
    num_peaks: bool = False
    trough: bool = False
    width: bool = False
    prominence: bool = True
    interval: bool = True
    decay_time: bool = False
    rise_time: bool = False
    sharpness: bool = True
    rise_steepness: bool = False
    decay_steepness: bool = False
    slope_ratio: bool = False

class SharpwaveEstimators(NMBaseModel):
    mean: list[str] = ["interval"]
    median: list[str] = []
    max: list[str] = ["prominence", "sharpness"]
    min: list[str] = []
    var: list[str] = []

    def keys(self):
        return ["mean", "median", "max", "min", "var"]

    def values(self):
        return [self.mean, self.median, self.max, self.min, self.var]

class SharpwaveSettings(NMBaseModel):
    sharpwave_features: SharpwaveFeatures = SharpwaveFeatures()
    filter_ranges_hz: list[FrequencyRange] = [
        FrequencyRange(5, 80),
        FrequencyRange(5, 30),
    detect_troughs: PeakDetectionSettings = PeakDetectionSettings()
    detect_peaks: PeakDetectionSettings = PeakDetectionSettings()
    estimator: SharpwaveEstimators = SharpwaveEstimators()
    apply_estimator_between_peaks_and_troughs: bool = True

    def disable_all_features(self):
        for est in self.estimator.keys():
            self.estimator[est] = []

    def test_settings(cls, settings):
        # check if all features are also enabled via an estimator
        estimator_list = [est for list_ in settings.estimator.values() for est in list_]

        for used_feature in settings.sharpwave_features.get_enabled():
            assert (
                used_feature in estimator_list
            ), f"Add estimator key for {used_feature}"

        return settings

[docs] class SharpwaveAnalyzer(NMFeature): def __init__( self, settings: "NMSettings", ch_names: Sequence[str], sfreq: float ) -> None: self.sw_settings = settings.sharpwave_analysis_settings self.sfreq = sfreq self.ch_names = ch_names self.list_filter: list[tuple[str, Any]] = [] self.trough: list = [] self.troughs_idx: list = [] settings.validate() # FrequencyRange's are already ensured to have high > low # Test that the higher frequency is smaller than the sampling frequency for filter_range in settings.sharpwave_analysis_settings.filter_ranges_hz: assert filter_range[1] < sfreq, ( "Filter range has to be smaller than sfreq, " f"got sfreq {sfreq} and filter range {filter_range}" ) for filter_range in settings.sharpwave_analysis_settings.filter_ranges_hz: # Test settings # TODO: handle None values if filter_range[0] is None: self.list_filter.append(("no_filter", None)) else: from mne.filter import create_filter self.list_filter.append( ( f"range_{filter_range[0]:.0f}_{filter_range[1]:.0f}", create_filter( None, sfreq, l_freq=filter_range[0], h_freq=filter_range[1], fir_design="firwin", # l_trans_bandwidth=None, # h_trans_bandwidth=None, # filter_length=str(sfreq) + "ms", verbose=False, ), ) ) self.filter_names = [name for name, _ in self.list_filter] self.filters = np.vstack([filter for _, filter in self.list_filter]) self.filters = np.tile(self.filters[None, :, :], (len(self.ch_names), 1, 1)) self.used_features = self.sw_settings.sharpwave_features.get_enabled() # initializing estimator functions, respecitive for all sharpwave features self.estimator_dict: dict[str, dict[str, Callable]] = { feat: { est: ESTIMATOR_DICT[est] for est in self.sw_settings.estimator.keys() if feat in self.sw_settings.estimator[est] } for feat_list in self.sw_settings.estimator.values() for feat in feat_list } estimator_combinations = [ (feature_name, estimator_name, estimator) for feature_name in self.used_features for estimator_name, estimator in self.estimator_dict[feature_name].items() ] filter_combinations = list( product( enumerate(self.ch_names), enumerate(self.filter_names), [False, True] ) ) self.estimator_key_map: dict[str, Callable] = {} self.combinations = [] for (ch_idx, ch_name), ( filter_idx, filter_name, ), detect_troughs in filter_combinations: for feature_name, estimator_name, estimator in estimator_combinations: key_name = f"{ch_name}_Sharpwave_{estimator_name.title()}_{feature_name}_{filter_name}" self.estimator_key_map[key_name] = estimator self.combinations.append( ( (ch_idx, ch_name), (filter_idx, filter_name), detect_troughs, estimator_combinations, ) ) # Check required feature computations according to settings self.need_peak_left = ( self.sw_settings.sharpwave_features.peak_left or self.sw_settings.sharpwave_features.prominence ) self.need_peak_right = ( self.sw_settings.sharpwave_features.peak_right or self.sw_settings.sharpwave_features.prominence ) self.need_trough = ( self.sw_settings.sharpwave_features.trough or self.sw_settings.sharpwave_features.prominence ) self.need_decay_steepness = ( self.sw_settings.sharpwave_features.decay_steepness or self.sw_settings.sharpwave_features.slope_ratio ) self.need_rise_steepness = ( self.sw_settings.sharpwave_features.rise_steepness or self.sw_settings.sharpwave_features.slope_ratio ) self.need_steepness = self.need_rise_steepness or self.need_decay_steepness
[docs] def calc_feature(self, data: np.ndarray) -> dict: """Given a new data batch, the peaks, troughs and sharpwave features are estimated. Importantly only new data is being analyzed here. In steps of 1/settings["sampling_rate_features] analyzed and returned. Pre-initialized filters are applied to each channel. Parameters ---------- data (np.ndarray): 2d data array with shape [num_channels, samples] feature_results (dict): estimated features Returns ------- feature_results (dict): set features for object """ dict_ch_features: dict[str, dict[str, float]] = defaultdict(lambda: {}) from scipy.signal import fftconvolve data = np.tile(data[:, None, :], (1, len(self.list_filter), 1)) data = fftconvolve(data, self.filters, axes=2, mode="same") self.filtered_data = ( data # TONI: Expose filtered data for example 3, need a better way ) feature_results = {} for ( (ch_idx, ch_name), (filter_idx, filter_name), detect_troughs, estimator_combinations, ) in self.combinations: sub_data = data[ch_idx, filter_idx, :] key_name_pt = "Trough" if detect_troughs else "Peak" if (not detect_troughs and not self.sw_settings.detect_peaks.estimate) or ( detect_troughs and not self.sw_settings.detect_troughs.estimate ): continue # the detect_troughs loop start with peaks, s.t. data does not need to be flipped sub_data = -sub_data if detect_troughs else sub_data # sub_data *= 1 - 2 * detect_troughs # branchless version waveform_results = self.analyze_waveform(sub_data) # for each feature take the respective fun. for feature_name, estimator_name, estimator in estimator_combinations: if feature_name == "num_peaks": key_name = f"{ch_name}_Sharpwave_{feature_name}_{filter_name}" if len(waveform_results[feature_name]) == 1: dict_ch_features[key_name][key_name_pt] = waveform_results[feature_name][0] continue else: raise ValueError("num_peaks should be a list with length 1") # there can be only one num_peak in each batch feature_data = waveform_results[feature_name] key_name = f"{ch_name}_Sharpwave_{estimator_name.title()}_{feature_name}_{filter_name}" # zero check because no peaks can be also detected feature_data = estimator(feature_data) if len(feature_data) != 0 else 0 dict_ch_features[key_name][key_name_pt] = feature_data if self.sw_settings.apply_estimator_between_peaks_and_troughs: # apply between 'Trough' and 'Peak' the respective function again # save only the 'est_fun' (e.g. max) between them # the key_name stays, since the estimator function stays between peaks and troughs for key_name, estimator in self.estimator_key_map.items(): if len(dict_ch_features[key_name]) == 0: # might happen if num_peaks was written in estimator # e.g. estimator["mean"] = ["num_peaks"] # for conveniance this doesn't raise an exception continue feature_results[key_name] = estimator( [ list(dict_ch_features[key_name].values())[0], list(dict_ch_features[key_name].values())[1], ] ) # add here also the num_peaks features if self.sw_settings.sharpwave_features.num_peaks: for ch_name in self.ch_names: for filter_name in self.filter_names: key_name = f"{ch_name}_Sharpwave_num_peaks_{filter_name}" feature_results[key_name] = np_mean([dict_ch_features[key_name]["Peak"], dict_ch_features[key_name]["Trough"]]) else: # otherwise, save all write all "flattened" key value pairs in feature_results for key, subdict in dict_ch_features.items(): for key_sub, value_sub in subdict.items(): feature_results[key + "_analyze_" + key_sub] = value_sub return feature_results
[docs] def analyze_waveform(self, data) -> dict: """Given the scipy.signal.find_peaks trough/peak distance settings specified sharpwave features are estimated. """ from scipy.signal import find_peaks # TODO: find peaks is actually not that big a performance hit, but the rest # of this function is. Perhaps find_peaks can be put in a loop and the rest optimized somehow? peak_idx: np.ndarray = find_peaks( data, distance=self.sw_settings.detect_troughs.distance_peaks_ms )[0] trough_idx: np.ndarray = find_peaks( -data, distance=self.sw_settings.detect_troughs.distance_troughs_ms )[0] """ Find left and right peak indexes for each trough """ peak_pointer = first_valid = last_valid = 0 peak_idx_left_list: list[int] = [] peak_idx_right_list: list[int] = [] for i in range(len(trough_idx)): # Locate peak right of current trough while ( peak_pointer < peak_idx.size and peak_idx[peak_pointer] < trough_idx[i] ): peak_pointer += 1 if peak_pointer - 1 < 0: # If trough has no peak to it's left, it's not valid first_valid = i + 1 # Try with next one continue if peak_pointer == peak_idx.size: # If we went past the end of the peaks list, trough had no peak to its right continue last_valid = i peak_idx_left_list.append(peak_idx[peak_pointer - 1]) peak_idx_right_list.append(peak_idx[peak_pointer]) # Remove non valid troughs and make array of left and right peaks for each trough trough_idx = trough_idx[first_valid : last_valid + 1] peak_idx_left = np.array(peak_idx_left_list, dtype=int) peak_idx_right = np.array(peak_idx_right_list, dtype=int) """ Calculate features (vectorized) """ results: dict = {} if self.need_peak_left: results["peak_left"] = data[peak_idx_left] if self.need_peak_right: results["peak_right"] = data[peak_idx_right] if self.need_trough: results["trough"] = data[trough_idx] if self.sw_settings.sharpwave_features.interval: results["interval"] = np.concatenate((np.zeros(1), np.diff(trough_idx))) * ( 1000 / self.sfreq ) if self.sw_settings.sharpwave_features.sharpness: # sharpess is calculated on a +- 5 ms window # valid troughs need 5 ms of margin on both sides troughs_valid = trough_idx[ np.logical_and( trough_idx - int(5 * (1000 / self.sfreq)) > 0, trough_idx + int(5 * (1000 / self.sfreq)) < data.shape[0], ) ] trough_height = data[troughs_valid] left_height = data[troughs_valid - int(5 * (1000 / self.sfreq))] right_height = data[troughs_valid + int(5 * (1000 / self.sfreq))] # results["sharpness"] = ((trough_height - left_height) + (trough_height - right_height)) / 2 results["sharpness"] = trough_height - 0.5 * (left_height + right_height) if self.sw_settings.sharpwave_features.num_peaks: results["num_peaks"] = [ trough_idx.shape[0] ] # keep list to the estimator can be applied if self.need_steepness: # steepness is calculated as the first derivative steepness: np.ndarray = np.concatenate((np.zeros(1), np.diff(data))) # Create an array with the rise and decay steepness for each trough # 0th dimension for rise/decay, 1st for trough index, 2nd for timepoint steepness_troughs = np.zeros((2, trough_idx.shape[0], steepness.shape[0])) if self.need_rise_steepness or self.need_decay_steepness: for i in range(len(trough_idx)): steepness_troughs[ 0, i, 0 : trough_idx[i] - peak_idx_left[i] + 1 ] = steepness[peak_idx_left[i] : trough_idx[i] + 1] steepness_troughs[ 1, i, 0 : peak_idx_right[i] - trough_idx[i] + 1 ] = steepness[trough_idx[i] : peak_idx_right[i] + 1] if self.need_rise_steepness: # left peak -> trough # + 1 due to python syntax, s.t. the last element is included results["rise_steepness"] = np.max( np.abs(steepness_troughs[0, :, :]), axis=1 ) if self.need_decay_steepness: # trough -> right peak results["decay_steepness"] = np.max( np.abs(steepness_troughs[1, :, :]), axis=1 ) if self.sw_settings.sharpwave_features.slope_ratio: results["slope_ratio"] = ( results["rise_steepness"] - results["decay_steepness"] ) if self.sw_settings.sharpwave_features.prominence: results["prominence"] = np.abs( (results["peak_right"] + results["peak_left"]) / 2 - results["trough"] ) if self.sw_settings.sharpwave_features.decay_time: results["decay_time"] = (peak_idx_left - trough_idx) * ( 1000 / self.sfreq ) # ms if self.sw_settings.sharpwave_features.rise_time: results["rise_time"] = (peak_idx_right - trough_idx) * ( 1000 / self.sfreq ) # ms if self.sw_settings.sharpwave_features.width: results["width"] = peak_idx_right - peak_idx_left # ms return results