Source code for analysis.decode

from sklearn import model_selection
from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression
from sklearn.base import clone
from sklearn.metrics import r2_score

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from copy import deepcopy
from pathlib import PurePath
import pickle

from py_neuromodulation import logger

from typing import Callable

class CV_res:
    def __init__(
        get_movement_detection_rate: bool = False,
        RUN_BAY_OPT: bool = False,
        mrmr_select: bool = False,
        model_save: bool = False,
    ) -> None:
        self.score_train: list = []
        self.score_test: list = []
        self.y_test: list = []
        self.y_train: list = []
        self.y_test_pr: list = []
        self.y_train_pr: list = []
        self.X_test: list = []
        self.X_train: list = []
        self.coef: list = []

        if get_movement_detection_rate:
            self.mov_detection_rates_test: list = []
            self.tprate_test: list = []
            self.fprate_test: list = []
            self.mov_detection_rates_train: list = []
            self.tprate_train: list = []
            self.fprate_train: list = []
        if RUN_BAY_OPT:
            self.best_bay_opt_params: list = []
        if mrmr_select:
            self.mrmr_select: list = []
        if model_save:
            self.model_save: list = []

[docs] class Decoder:
[docs] class ClassMissingException(Exception): def __init__( self, message="Only one class present.", ) -> None: self.message = message super().__init__(self.message) def __str__(self): return self.message
def __init__( self, features: "pd.DataFrame| None " = None, label: np.ndarray | None = None, label_name: str | None = None, used_chs: list[str] = [], model=LinearRegression(), eval_method: Callable = r2_score, cv_method=model_selection.KFold(n_splits=3, shuffle=False), use_nested_cv: bool = False, threshold_score=True, mov_detection_threshold: float = 0.5, TRAIN_VAL_SPLIT: bool = False, RUN_BAY_OPT: bool = False, STACK_FEATURES_N_SAMPLES: bool = False, time_stack_n_samples: int = 5, save_coef: bool = False, get_movement_detection_rate: bool = False, min_consequent_count: int = 3, bay_opt_param_space: list = [], VERBOSE: bool = False, sfreq: int | None = None, undersampling: bool = False, oversampling: bool = False, mrmr_select: bool = False, pca: bool = False, cca: bool = False, model_save: bool = False, ) -> None: """Initialize here a feature file for processing Read settings.json channels.csv and features.csv Read target label Parameters ---------- model : machine learning model model that utilizes fit and predict functions eval_method : sklearn metrics evaluation scoring method, will default to r2_score if not passed cv_method : sklearm model_selection method threshold_score : boolean if True set lower threshold at zero (useful for r2), mov_detection_threshold : float if get_movement_detection_rate is True, find given minimum 'threshold' respective consecutive movement blocks, by default 0.5 TRAIN_VAL_SPLIT (boolean): if true split data into additinal validation, and run class weighted CV save_coef (boolean): if true, save model._coef trained coefficients get_movement_detection_rate (boolean): save detection rate and tpr / fpr as well min_consequent_count (int): if get_movement_detection_rate is True, find given 'min_consequent_count' respective consecutive movement blocks with minimum size of 'min_consequent_count' """ self.model = model self.eval_method = eval_method self.cv_method = cv_method self.use_nested_cv = use_nested_cv self.threshold_score = threshold_score self.mov_detection_threshold = mov_detection_threshold self.TRAIN_VAL_SPLIT = TRAIN_VAL_SPLIT self.RUN_BAY_OPT = RUN_BAY_OPT self.save_coef = save_coef self.sfreq = sfreq self.get_movement_detection_rate = get_movement_detection_rate self.min_consequent_count = min_consequent_count self.STACK_FEATURES_N_SAMPLES = STACK_FEATURES_N_SAMPLES self.time_stack_n_samples = time_stack_n_samples self.bay_opt_param_space = bay_opt_param_space self.VERBOSE = VERBOSE self.undersampling = undersampling self.oversampling = oversampling self.mrmr_select = mrmr_select self.used_chs = used_chs self.label = label self.label_name = label_name self.cca = cca self.pca = pca self.model_save = model_save self.set_data(features) self.ch_ind_data = {} self.grid_point_ind_data = {} self.active_gridpoints = [] self.feature_names = [] self.ch_ind_results = {} self.gridpoint_ind_results = {} self.all_ch_results = {} self.columns_names_single_ch = None if undersampling: from imblearn.under_sampling import RandomUnderSampler self.rus = RandomUnderSampler(random_state=0) if oversampling: from imblearn.over_sampling import RandomOverSampler self.ros = RandomOverSampler(random_state=0) def set_data(self, features): if features is not None: self.features = features self.feature_names = [ col for col in self.features.columns if any(col.startswith(used_ch) for used_ch in self.used_chs) ] = np.nan_to_num(np.array(self.features[self.feature_names]))
[docs] def set_data_ind_channels(self): """specified channel individual data""" self.ch_ind_data = {} for ch in self.used_chs: self.ch_ind_data[ch] = np.nan_to_num( np.array( self.features[ [col for col in self.features.columns if col.startswith(ch)] ] ) )
[docs] def set_CV_results(self, attr_name, contact_point=None): """set CV results in respectie nm_decode attributes The reference is first stored in obj_set, and the used lateron Parameters ---------- attr_name : string is either all_ch_results, ch_ind_results, gridpoint_ind_results contact_point : object, optional usually an int specifying the grid_point or string, specifying the used channel, by default None """ if contact_point is not None: getattr(self, attr_name)[contact_point] = {} obj_set = getattr(self, attr_name)[contact_point] else: obj_set = getattr(self, attr_name) def set_scores(cv_res: CV_res, set_inner_CV_res: bool = False): """ This function renames the CV_res keys for InnerCV """ def set_score(key_: str, val): if set_inner_CV_res: key_ = "InnerCV_" + key_ obj_set[key_] = val set_score("score_train", cv_res.score_train) set_score("score_test", cv_res.score_test) set_score("y_test", cv_res.y_test) set_score("y_train", cv_res.y_train) set_score("y_test_pr", cv_res.y_test_pr) set_score("y_train_pr", cv_res.y_train_pr) set_score("X_train", cv_res.X_train) set_score("X_test", cv_res.X_test) if self.save_coef: set_score("coef", cv_res.coef) if self.get_movement_detection_rate: set_score("mov_detection_rates_test", cv_res.mov_detection_rates_test) set_score( "mov_detection_rates_train", cv_res.mov_detection_rates_train, ) set_score("fprate_test", cv_res.fprate_test) set_score("fprate_train", cv_res.fprate_train) set_score("tprate_test", cv_res.tprate_test) set_score("tprate_train", cv_res.tprate_train) if self.RUN_BAY_OPT: set_score("best_bay_opt_params", cv_res.best_bay_opt_params) if self.mrmr_select: set_score("mrmr_select", cv_res.mrmr_select) if self.model_save: set_score("model_save", cv_res.model_save) return obj_set obj_set = set_scores(self.cv_res) if self.use_nested_cv: obj_set = set_scores(self.cv_res_inner, set_inner_CV_res=True)
[docs] def run_CV_caller(self, feature_contacts: str = "ind_channels"): """Wrapper that call for all channels / grid points / combined channels the CV function Parameters ---------- feature_contacts : str, optional "grid_points", "ind_channels" or "all_channels_combined" , by default "ind_channels" """ valid_feature_contacts = [ "ind_channels", "all_channels_combined", "grid_points", ] if feature_contacts not in valid_feature_contacts: raise ValueError(f"{feature_contacts} not in {valid_feature_contacts}") if feature_contacts == "grid_points": for grid_point in self.active_gridpoints: self.run_CV(self.grid_point_ind_data[grid_point], self.label) self.set_CV_results("gridpoint_ind_results", contact_point=grid_point) return self.gridpoint_ind_results if feature_contacts == "ind_channels": for ch in self.used_chs: self.ch_name_tested = ch self.run_CV(self.ch_ind_data[ch], self.label) self.set_CV_results("ch_ind_results", contact_point=ch) return self.ch_ind_results if feature_contacts == "all_channels_combined": dat_combined = np.array( self.run_CV(dat_combined, self.label) self.set_CV_results("all_ch_results", contact_point=None) return self.all_ch_results
[docs] def set_data_grid_points(self, cortex_only=False, subcortex_only=False): """Read the run_analysis Projected data has the shape (samples, grid points, features) """ # activate_gridpoints stores cortex + subcortex data self.active_gridpoints = np.unique( [ i.split("_")[0] + "_" + i.split("_")[1] for i in self.features.columns if "grid" in i ] ) if cortex_only: self.active_gridpoints = [ i for i in self.active_gridpoints if i.startswith("gridcortex") ] if subcortex_only: self.active_gridpoints = [ i for i in self.active_gridpoints if i.startswith("gridsubcortex") ] self.feature_names = [ i[len(self.active_gridpoints[0] + "_") :] for i in self.features.columns if self.active_gridpoints[0] + "_" in i ] self.grid_point_ind_data = {} self.grid_point_ind_data = { grid_point: np.nan_to_num( self.features[ [i for i in self.features.columns if grid_point + "_" in i] ] ) for grid_point in self.active_gridpoints }
[docs] def get_movement_grouped_array( self, prediction, threshold=0.5, min_consequent_count=5 ): """Return given a 1D numpy array, an array of same size with grouped consective blocks Parameters ---------- prediction : np.ndarray numpy array of either predictions or labels, that is going to be grouped threshold : float, optional threshold to be applied to 'prediction', by default 0.5 min_consequent_count : int, optional minimum required consective samples higher than 'threshold', by default 5 Returns ------- labeled_array : np.ndarray grouped vector with incrementing number for movement blocks labels_count : int count of individual movement blocks """ from scipy.ndimage import label as label_ndimage from scipy.ndimage import binary_dilation, binary_erosion mask = prediction > threshold structure = [True] * min_consequent_count # used for erosion and dilation eroded = binary_erosion(mask, structure) dilated = binary_dilation(eroded, structure) labeled_array, labels_count = label_ndimage(dilated) return labeled_array, labels_count
[docs] def calc_movement_detection_rate( self, y_label, prediction, threshold=0.5, min_consequent_count=3 ): """Given a label and prediction, return the movement detection rate on the basis of movements classified in blocks of 'min_consequent_count'. Parameters ---------- y_label : [type] [description] prediction : [type] [description] threshold : float, optional threshold to be applied to 'prediction', by default 0.5 min_consequent_count : int, optional minimum required consective samples higher than 'threshold', by default 3 Returns ------- mov_detection_rate : float movement detection rate, where at least 'min_consequent_count' samples where high in prediction fpr : np.ndarray sklearn.metrics false positive rate np.ndarray tpr : np.ndarray sklearn.metrics true positive rate np.ndarray """ from sklearn.metrics import confusion_matrix pred_grouped, _ = self.get_movement_grouped_array( prediction, threshold, min_consequent_count ) y_grouped, labels_count = self.get_movement_grouped_array( y_label, threshold, min_consequent_count ) hit_rate = np.zeros(labels_count) pred_group_bin = np.array(pred_grouped > 0) for label_number in range(1, labels_count + 1): # labeling starts from 1 hit_rate[label_number - 1] = np.sum( pred_group_bin[np.where(y_grouped == label_number)[0]] ) try: mov_detection_rate = np.where(hit_rate > 0)[0].shape[0] / labels_count except ZeroDivisionError: logger.warning("no movements in label") return 0, 0, 0 # calculating TPR and FPR: CM = confusion_matrix(y_label, prediction) TN = CM[0][0] FN = CM[1][0] TP = CM[1][1] FP = CM[0][1] fpr = FP / (FP + TN) tpr = TP / (TP + FN) return mov_detection_rate, fpr, tpr
def init_cv_res(self) -> None: return CV_res( get_movement_detection_rate=self.get_movement_detection_rate, RUN_BAY_OPT=self.RUN_BAY_OPT, mrmr_select=self.mrmr_select, model_save=self.model_save, ) # @staticmethod # @jit(nopython=True)
[docs] def append_previous_n_samples(X: np.ndarray, y: np.ndarray, n: int = 5): """ stack feature vector for n samples """ TIME_DIM = X.shape[0] - n FEATURE_DIM = int(n * X.shape[1]) time_arr = np.empty((TIME_DIM, FEATURE_DIM)) for time_idx, time_ in enumerate(np.arange(n, X.shape[0])): for time_point in range(n): time_arr[ time_idx, time_point * X.shape[1] : (time_point + 1) * X.shape[1], ] = X[time_ - time_point, :] return time_arr, y[n:]
@staticmethod def append_samples_val(X_train, y_train, X_val, y_val, n): X_train, y_train = Decoder.append_previous_n_samples(X_train, y_train, n=n) X_val, y_val = Decoder.append_previous_n_samples(X_val, y_val, n=n) return X_train, y_train, X_val, y_val def fit_model(self, model, X_train, y_train): if self.TRAIN_VAL_SPLIT: X_train, X_val, y_train, y_val = model_selection.train_test_split( X_train, y_train, train_size=0.7, shuffle=False ) if y_train.sum() == 0 or y_val.sum(0) == 0: raise Decoder.ClassMissingException # if type(model) is xgboost.sklearn.XGBClassifier: # classes_weights = class_weight.compute_sample_weight( # class_weight="balanced", y=y_train # ) # model.set_params(eval_metric="logloss") # # X_train, # y_train, # eval_set=[(X_val, y_val)], # early_stopping_rounds=7, # sample_weight=classes_weights, # verbose=self.VERBOSE, # ) # elif type(model) is xgboost.sklearn.XGBRegressor: # # might be necessary to adapt for other classifiers # # def evalerror(preds, dtrain): # labels = dtrain.get_label() # # return a pair metric_name, result. The metric name must not contain a # # colon (:) or a space since preds are margin(before logistic # # transformation, cutoff at 0) # # r2 = metrics.r2_score(labels, preds) # # if r2 < 0: # r2 = 0 # # return "r2", -r2 # # model.set_params(eval_metric=evalerror) # # X_train, # y_train, # eval_set=[(X_val, y_val)], # early_stopping_rounds=10, # verbose=self.VERBOSE, # ) # else: #, y_train, eval_set=[(X_val, y_val)]) else: # check for LDA; and apply rebalancing if self.oversampling: X_train, y_train = self.ros.fit_resample(X_train, y_train) if self.undersampling: X_train, y_train = self.rus.fit_resample(X_train, y_train) # if type(model) is xgboost.sklearn.XGBClassifier: # model.set_params(eval_metric="logloss") #, y_train) # else:, y_train) return model def eval_model( self, model_train, X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test, cv_res: CV_res, save_data=True, save_probabilities=False, ) -> CV_res: if self.save_coef: cv_res.coef.append(model_train.coef_) y_test_pr = model_train.predict(X_test) y_train_pr = model_train.predict(X_train) sc_te = self.eval_method(y_test, y_test_pr) sc_tr = self.eval_method(y_train, y_train_pr) if self.threshold_score: if sc_tr < 0: sc_tr = 0 if sc_te < 0: sc_te = 0 if self.get_movement_detection_rate: self._set_movement_detection_rates( y_test, y_test_pr, y_train, y_train_pr, cv_res ) cv_res.score_train.append(sc_tr) cv_res.score_test.append(sc_te) if save_data: cv_res.X_train.append(X_train) cv_res.X_test.append(X_test) if self.model_save: cv_res.model_save.append(deepcopy(model_train)) # clone won't copy params cv_res.y_train.append(y_train) cv_res.y_test.append(y_test) if not save_probabilities: cv_res.y_train_pr.append(y_train_pr) cv_res.y_test_pr.append(y_test_pr) else: cv_res.y_train_pr.append(model_train.predict_proba(X_train)) cv_res.y_test_pr.append(model_train.predict_proba(X_test)) return cv_res def _set_movement_detection_rates( self, y_test: np.ndarray, y_test_pr: np.ndarray, y_train: np.ndarray, y_train_pr: np.ndarray, cv_res: CV_res, ) -> CV_res: mov_detection_rate, fpr, tpr = self.calc_movement_detection_rate( y_test, y_test_pr, self.mov_detection_threshold, self.min_consequent_count, ) cv_res.mov_detection_rates_test.append(mov_detection_rate) cv_res.tprate_test.append(tpr) cv_res.fprate_test.append(fpr) mov_detection_rate, fpr, tpr = self.calc_movement_detection_rate( y_train, y_train_pr, self.mov_detection_threshold, self.min_consequent_count, ) cv_res.mov_detection_rates_train.append(mov_detection_rate) cv_res.tprate_train.append(tpr) cv_res.fprate_train.append(fpr) return cv_res def wrapper_model_train( self, X_train, y_train, X_test=None, y_test=None, cv_res: CV_res | None = None, return_fitted_model_only: bool = False, save_data=True, ): if cv_res is None: cv_res = CV_res( get_movement_detection_rate=self.get_movement_detection_rate, RUN_BAY_OPT=self.RUN_BAY_OPT, mrmr_select=self.mrmr_select, model_save=self.model_save, ) model_train = clone(self.model) if self.STACK_FEATURES_N_SAMPLES: if X_test is not None: X_train, y_train, X_test, y_test = Decoder.append_samples_val( X_train, y_train, X_test, y_test, n=self.time_stack_n_samples, ) else: X_train, y_train = Decoder.append_previous_n_samples( X_train, y_train, n=self.time_stack_n_samples ) if y_train.sum() == 0 or ( y_test is not None and y_test.sum() == 0 ): # only one class present raise Decoder.ClassMissingException if self.RUN_BAY_OPT: model_train = self.bay_opt_wrapper(model_train, X_train, y_train) if self.mrmr_select: from mrmr import mrmr_classif if len(self.feature_names) > X_train.shape[1]: # analyze induvidual ch columns_names = [ col for col in self.feature_names if col.startswith(self.ch_name_tested) ] if self.columns_names_single_ch is None: self.columns_names_single_ch = [ f[len(self.ch_name_tested) + 1 :] for f in columns_names ] else: # analyze all_ch_combined columns_names = self.feature_names X_train = pd.DataFrame(X_train, columns=columns_names) X_test = pd.DataFrame(X_test, columns=columns_names) y_train = pd.Series(y_train) selected_features = mrmr_classif(X=X_train, y=y_train, K=20, n_jobs=60) X_train = X_train[selected_features] X_test = X_test[selected_features] if self.pca: from sklearn.decomposition import PCA pca = PCA(n_components=10) X_train = pca.transform(X_train) X_test = pca.transform(X_test) if self.cca: from sklearn.cross_decomposition import CCA cca = CCA(n_components=10), y_train) X_train = cca.transform(X_train) X_test = cca.transform(X_test) if self.STACK_FEATURES_N_SAMPLES: if return_fitted_model_only: X_train, y_train = self.append_previous_n_samples( X_train, y_train, self.time_stack_n_samples ) else: X_train, y_train, X_test, y_test = self.append_samples_val( X_train, y_train, X_test, y_test, self.time_stack_n_samples ) # fit model model_train = self.fit_model(model_train, X_train, y_train) if return_fitted_model_only: return model_train cv_res = self.eval_model( model_train, X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test, cv_res, save_data ) if self.mrmr_select: cv_res.mrmr_select.append(selected_features) return cv_res
[docs] def run_CV(self, data, label): """Evaluate model performance on the specified cross validation. If no data and label is specified, use whole feature class attributes. Parameters ---------- data (np.ndarray): data to train and test with shape samples, features label (np.ndarray): label to train and test with shape samples, features """ def split_data(data): if self.cv_method == "NonShuffledTrainTestSplit": # set outer 10s set to train index # test index is thus in the middle starting at random number N_samples = data.shape[0] test_area_points = (N_samples - self.sfreq * 10) - (self.sfreq * 10) test_points = int(N_samples * 0.3) if test_area_points > test_points: start_index = np.random.randint( int(self.sfreq * 10), N_samples - self.sfreq * 10 - test_points, ) test_index = np.arange(start_index, start_index + test_points) train_index = np.concatenate( ( np.arange(0, start_index), np.arange(start_index + test_points, N_samples), ), axis=0, ).flatten() yield train_index, test_index else: cv_single_tr_te_split = model_selection.check_cv( cv=[ model_selection.train_test_split( np.arange(data.shape[0]), test_size=0.3, shuffle=False, ) ] ) for ( train_index, test_index, ) in cv_single_tr_te_split.split(): yield train_index, test_index else: for train_index, test_index in self.cv_method.split(data): yield train_index, test_index cv_res = self.init_cv_res() if self.use_nested_cv: cv_res_inner = self.init_cv_res() for train_index, test_index in split_data(data): X_train, y_train = data[train_index, :], label[train_index] X_test, y_test = data[test_index], label[test_index] try: cv_res = self.wrapper_model_train( X_train, y_train, X_test, y_test, cv_res ) except Decoder.ClassMissingException: continue if self.use_nested_cv: data_inner = data[train_index] label_inner = label[train_index] for train_index_inner, test_index_inner in split_data(data_inner): X_train_inner = data_inner[train_index_inner, :] y_train_inner = label_inner[train_index_inner] X_test_inner = data_inner[test_index_inner] y_test_inner = label_inner[test_index_inner] try: cv_res_inner = self.wrapper_model_train( X_train_inner, y_train_inner, X_test_inner, y_test_inner, cv_res_inner, ) except Decoder.ClassMissingException: continue self.cv_res = cv_res if self.use_nested_cv: self.cv_res_inner = cv_res_inner
[docs] def bay_opt_wrapper(self, model_train, X_train, y_train): """Run bayesian optimization and test best params to model_train Save best params into self.best_bay_opt_params """ ( X_train_bo, X_test_bo, y_train_bo, y_test_bo, ) = model_selection.train_test_split( X_train, y_train, train_size=0.7, shuffle=False ) if y_train_bo.sum() == 0 or y_test_bo.sum() == 0: logger.critical("could not start Bay. Opt. with no labels > 0") raise Decoder.ClassMissingException params_bo = self.run_Bay_Opt( X_train_bo, y_train_bo, X_test_bo, y_test_bo, rounds=10 ) # set bay. opt. obtained best params to model params_bo_dict = {} for i in range(len(params_bo)): setattr(model_train, self.bay_opt_param_space[i].name, params_bo[i]) params_bo_dict[self.bay_opt_param_space[i].name] = params_bo[i] self.best_bay_opt_params.append(params_bo_dict) return model_train
[docs] def run_Bay_Opt( self, X_train, y_train, X_test, y_test, rounds=30, base_estimator="GP", acq_func="EI", acq_optimizer="sampling", initial_point_generator="lhs", ): """Run skopt bayesian optimization skopt.Optimizer: example: Special attention needs to be made with the run_CV output, some metrics are minimized (MAE), some are maximized (r^2) Parameters ---------- X_train: np.ndarray y_train: np.ndarray X_test: np.ndarray y_test: np.ndarray rounds : int, optional optimizing rounds, by default 10 base_estimator : str, optional surrogate model, used as optimization function instead of cross validation, by default "GP" acq_func : str, optional function to minimize over the posterior distribution, by default "EI" acq_optimizer : str, optional method to minimize the acquisition function, by default "sampling" initial_point_generator : str, optional sets a initial point generator, by default "lhs" Returns ------- skopt result parameters """ def get_f_val(model_bo): try: model_bo = self.fit_model(model_bo, X_train, y_train) except Decoder.ClassMissingException: pass return self.eval_method(y_test, model_bo.predict(X_test)) from skopt import Optimizer opt = Optimizer( self.bay_opt_param_space, base_estimator=base_estimator, acq_func=acq_func, acq_optimizer=acq_optimizer, initial_point_generator=initial_point_generator, ) for _ in range(rounds): next_x = opt.ask() # set model values model_bo = clone(self.model) for i in range(len(next_x)): setattr(model_bo, self.bay_opt_param_space[i].name, next_x[i]) f_val = get_f_val(model_bo) res = opt.tell(next_x, f_val) if self.VERBOSE: # res is here automatically appended by skopt return res.x
[docs] def save(self, feature_path: str, feature_file: str, str_save_add=None) -> None: """Save decoder object to pickle""" # why is the decoder not saved to a .json? if str_save_add is None: PATH_OUT = PurePath(feature_path, feature_file, feature_file + "_ML_RES.p") else: PATH_OUT = PurePath( feature_path, feature_file, feature_file + "_" + str_save_add + "_ML_RES.p", )"model being saved to: {PATH_OUT}") with open(PATH_OUT, "wb") as output: # Overwrites any existing file. pickle.dump(self, output)